Out of Jocksburn Bess aka Solo by Riverview Farm Factor aka Boss.
On July 20th, 2021, Solo gave birth to 5 boys and 6 girls.
Solo is a slightly bigger female and very strong boned. She was born and bred in Scotland. Her sire is FTCH Asterix Aguzannis, winner of the IGL Retriever Championship in 2015 and holds the record for qualifying for the IGL 9 times. Her bloodline is very closely related to us through Int. FTCH Ragweeds Travel and with this mating we breed back to the Ragweeds line.
The sire of this litter, Boss, is an amazing dog. He is strong and committed - paired with superior skills.
A fantastic game finder in the field and works the water with endless perseverance. He is the perfect sized dog with a very athletic body. In the house, he is the best companion and finest pet.
Again an outstanding offspring of Int. FTCH Ragweed’s Travel, Boss is a true representative of his sire. Litter brother Riverview Farm Finalist is currently in Scotland with our trainer Kevin Haynes and was the the first dog born and bred in US to win a FT in the UK .
His dam “Floss” was born and trained in England by Mark Domain who made her up to FTW. Her sire FTCH Calderhey Adder, qualified 2009, 2011 and 2012 for the IGL Retriever Championship. Adder ran for England in several team events and was also awarded Top Dog and Best Marking Dog.